Looking for the perfect family Christmas game? Look no further than a scavenger hunt – a brilliantly adaptable game that's stood the test of time. Whether you're gathered in your living room or connecting with loved ones via a video calling app, this family Christmas game is the ideal choice. With minimal equipment needed, it's the perfect game for spontaneous holiday fun. So, stay connected and create cherished memories this festive season, even when you can't be in the same room. Join the tradition of playing a family Christmas game that spans generations.
A Memorable Family Christmas Game Experience
3 +
Prep time
5 mins
Playing time
15-60 mins
Energy Level
Your Living Room – or just about anywhere!Optional: A computer logged onto video calling app
What You Need:
A list of ideas of things that can be found around the house
An imagination
Top Tip:
These are all Christmas themed ideas for the scavenger hunt but you can tailor this family Christmas game to any event or time of year you choose by choosing relevant items to collect! Alternatively you can use some free online printables – like these from the resourceful mamma – perfect for a younger crowd.

Game Set Up
Nominate a Game Master
Group into teams or play as individuals
This family Christmas game can be played with everyone in one location or over video call with different players / teams in different locations to allow for social distancing
Playing the Game
The Game Master calls out an item for the players to “scavenge” for
All players must find the item and return to the Games Master / video screen with it in their hand
The first player back with the correct item wins the point
The Winner
The winner is the player with the most points at the end of the game once all items have been collected.
The items can be as specific or vague as the Games Master likes and can be tailored to a theme e.g.:
- a bauble, holly, turkey, woolly hat, stocking etc OR
- something red, something to eat, a present, a toy, something sparkly, something cold etc.
Playing with Adults Only
If you are playing this family Christmas game with a group of adults, try something a little more cryptic e.g. something that will make you laugh, something that is hard to swallow, something that would make your nan blush. Then the rest of the group can vote on how valid your selection is and you can score eachother that way!

A family Christmas game like the scavenger hunt is a versatile and enduring tradition that brings loved ones together, whether in person or through virtual connections. With its adaptability and simplicity, it's the perfect choice for creating lasting holiday memories. So, this festive season, gather your family for a heartwarming adventure and embrace the joy of playing a cherished family Christmas game. Make this year's celebration truly special with the spirit of togetherness and fun that this timeless game brings.
For more great family Christmas game ideas, explore our exciting alternatives like the Snowman Drive and the Jelly Game. Make this holiday season a time filled with laughter, bonding, and unforgettable moments. Happy holidays!
If you enjoyed playing this family Christmas game don’t forget to tell us all about it! Tag us @theplayexperts or use #littleplayexpert or #bigplayexpert to share with everyone what you have been up to – we look forward to seeing how you get on, and we welcome your own family Christmas game ideas.