Creating An In Ground Trampoline
"Most trampolines are at between 60cm and 90cm off the ground. This can make it rather difficult for younger children to get on and off without help. You can make this process easier by purchasing a Trampoline Ladder.
You may also consider actually sinking the trampoline into the ground.
This is perfect for making your trampoline blend into it's surroundings. You may have low fences and not want a trampoline to impose on the view across your garden. You may also want to have a trampoline without the enclosure. You can of course still have an enclosure on your trampoline, you will just need to allow space for the enclosure poles to fit into the hole as you lower the trampoline into the ground.
Making an in ground trampoline will be more work and more costly than simply errecting your trampoline on top of the ground, but the benefits are numerous.
Follow the guide below to create your ground level trampoline.
If you have drainage problems in your garden, or a high water table it is a good idea to dig out a well of at leats a foot deep in the very centre of your pit and fill with rubble, small shingle or similar.
With the topsoil you saved from the digging part, build up a small mound all around the edge of the trampoline. Thus creating a raised ring of earth around your trampoline (make sur ethis is not too high). The ring should have a shallow gradient down to the edge of the trampoline and towards the rest of the garden so it is really only a slight raised area. Once you have done this, cover it with turf. The effect achieved from doing this will be to prevent people from accidently stepping onto the trampoline, but also will concel you trampolin if you are looking at it from across the garden - giving a more aesthetically pleasing look to your garden. This will alos help when mowing the lawn.
Bulky trampoline frames are out of the way and out of sight - making your garden a place to relax as well as play
Easy to mount and dismount the trampoline, perfect for elderly, really young children or people with disabilities
New, more inexperienced users will be safer due to being closer to the ground with less distance to fall from the trampoline
Mowing the lawn is easier when the trampoline in sunken into the ground.
You may also consider actually sinking the trampoline into the ground.
A Guide to Ground Level Trampolines
This guide will show you how to dig your trampoline into the ground so you can create a ground level trampoline.This is perfect for making your trampoline blend into it's surroundings. You may have low fences and not want a trampoline to impose on the view across your garden. You may also want to have a trampoline without the enclosure. You can of course still have an enclosure on your trampoline, you will just need to allow space for the enclosure poles to fit into the hole as you lower the trampoline into the ground.
Making an in ground trampoline will be more work and more costly than simply errecting your trampoline on top of the ground, but the benefits are numerous.
Follow the guide below to create your ground level trampoline.
Step One: Preparation
First, you need to purchase your trampoline. Click here to see our range. The size of the trampoline is an important consideration. Bear in mind an 8ft trampoline refers to the 8ft diameter of the metal frame. Once you have purchased your trampoline, you need to decide where in your garden you will be digging it into the ground. Place the trampoline over the desired position and mark the trampoline out on the ground. You can do this without the trampoline but it would be easier with it in place. You can draw around the trampoline if you turn it upside down. Alternatively, you can use a stake and mark the central point, then use a piece of string (half the diameter of the trampoline) to mark out a circle from that central point.Step Two: Start Digging
Remove the trampoline, then dig up the turf that is within the markings you have made. Start by taking the turf and topsoil off and keep to one side. Below this will be 'subsoil'. This can be reused but only underneath topsoil. If you have no use for it you will need to arrange for it to be taken off site. This is the hard bit - if you wanted you could hire a man with a digger to do this part but you would be looking at around £300 to do this, so if you are on a budget prepare for the exercise!If you have drainage problems in your garden, or a high water table it is a good idea to dig out a well of at leats a foot deep in the very centre of your pit and fill with rubble, small shingle or similar.
Step Three: Stop Digging!
You should now have a nice trampoline shape pit for your in ground trampoline to fit into. The walls of your pit should slop gently down to the bottom of the pit at roughloy 45 degrees - you can do this by filling in the sides once your trampoline frame is in the hole, or create a gradient around the pit then dig in trenches for the legs.Step Four: Assemble the Trampoline
Once your trampoline frame is placed into the hole and the legs are dug in (or covered in), assemble the trampoline bed by attaching the springs. Starting at one point, and then doing the opposite point and so on will make this part easier. then attach the pads around the trampoline, safely tucking them down the edges so you do not create a trip hazard.With the topsoil you saved from the digging part, build up a small mound all around the edge of the trampoline. Thus creating a raised ring of earth around your trampoline (make sur ethis is not too high). The ring should have a shallow gradient down to the edge of the trampoline and towards the rest of the garden so it is really only a slight raised area. Once you have done this, cover it with turf. The effect achieved from doing this will be to prevent people from accidently stepping onto the trampoline, but also will concel you trampolin if you are looking at it from across the garden - giving a more aesthetically pleasing look to your garden. This will alos help when mowing the lawn.
Advantages of In Ground Trampolines
Considerations with Ground Level Trampolines
- Cost has to be taken into consideration, including costs of the trampoline, material moved, surplus material disposal and any drainage requirements
- The trampoline is accesible to younger members of the family and pets which may cause damage to your trampoline - you may want to consider an enclosure for this reason
- With trampolines at ground level there is a greater risk of items or debris getting onto the trampoline, so ensure it is checked regularly
- Loss of performance or 'bounciness' of the trampoline can occur if the bed gets wet, stopping air from circulating under the trampoline - if this happens frequently, you can create air holes around the side of the trampoline